Client: Faith Church
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Faith Church Brand Book
As a community of committed and active believers, we place a particular emphasis on going beyond our congregation to reach those who are disconnected from the church and from God. By reaching the disconnected, and by providing an environment in which the connected can grow and thrive, we are actively engaged in restoring and transforming the world.
The following values and attributes are fundamental to our identity and help guide us in achieving this mission.
Faith Church’s primary focus is the transformational power of God’s love. We want people’s lives to be fully transformed so that they can be connected with God and live vital and meaningful lives in His service. Individual transformation happens through spiritual growth (via clear, bible-based teaching) and personal development. Organizational transformation happens when innovative and creative ways of thinking are brought to bear on existing problems and challenges.
Our job as the church leadership is to inspire our congregation to action by helping them understand that they are part of something bigger than themselves. Our goal for our weekend services is to provide an experience through worship and teaching that is profound and transcendent and goes beyond the mundane, giving people an experience that will inspire them to go from being observers to active participants in God’s mission to transform the world.
At Faith Church we strive for excellence, not perfection. We believe that integrity means serving God to the very best of our ability. For us, it means being faithful and trustworthy to do the things we say we will do while striving to be authentic to who God created us to be, and working hard to cultivate the gifts and talents He has given us.
We believe that people were created to be in relationship with God and with others. It’s utterly foundational to who we are and who God created us to be. We know that if we want to change the world, we must have an impact on the lives of those around us, and to do that we must build and nurture all of our relationships, be they incidental or intentional, inside and outside the church family. Loving those around us, making a willful decision to see them the way God sees them, treating them with kindness and respect, being genuine, real, and relatable—these are the things that result in enduring and life altering interactions and relationships.
Reformed World View
Faith Church, established in 1963, is a Bible-believing denominational church and is part of the Reformed Church in America.
Transcendent Moments
Creating transcendent moments is essential for connecting people to God in a way that is wholly profound, loving, and embracing.
Serve with Excellence
At Faith Church, we are always striving to serve our congregation and surrounding communities to the very best of our abilities.
Ministries Pushing to the Edge and Beyond
God’s work is dynamic—ever changing and requiring new and creative thought and direction. We want to develop ministries that are always moving forward, with every person pushing to the edge and beyond to reach our target audiences.
Approachable Environment
Creating a comfortable and approachable environment is essential if we want to draw people to our ministries. This will look different at different campuses and within our various ministries, but one thing should always be true: the environment must cater to the specific needs and attributes of those we are trying to reach and serve.
Genuine Interactions
Relationship building can only happen when the interactions we have are genuine. In order to have real and relatable interactions, ones that foster long-term relationships that go beyond the weekend, we must mean what we say and do and embody what we believe.
Meaningful relationships
Meaningful relationships are born of genuine interactions. Genuine and loving interactions with intention that go beyond the weekend are most likely to result in relationships that draw people to God. People whose lives are transformed go on to build more meaningful relationships of their own and this is what grows the Kingdom of God on earth.
Representative Diversity
It’s essential that our congregations mirror the surrounding community so that our environments are comfortable and approachable. People need to be able to identify with the congregations that they’re in.
Transformed Lives
The evidence of transformed lives tells us that we are being successful in our pursuit of God’s mission. It is God’s responsibility to do the work of spiritual transformation, but it is our responsibility to pursue God’s mission as we have been tasked to do so by Him, to the very best of our abilities.